December 2020

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Little, Stec & Jones Disappointed In Decision To Close Clinton Annex

New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) announced the closure of the Clinton Annex today. This announcement comes following budget language that authorized the closure of correctional facilities operated by DOCCS with 90 days notice to the Temporary President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly.

“As a former correction officer, I know all too well the impact this will have on the entire North Country. The hardworking men and women who work at Clinton Annex have been on the frontlines throughout this pandemic and they did not deserve this slap in the face right before the holidays,” said Assemblyman Billy Jones. (D-Chateaugay Lake) “Our region has been in this position several times before and we shouldn’t have to go through it yet again. Closing yet another North Country prison will once again put more stress on North Country families if they must relocate for jobs while also impacting the local economy of Dannemora and the surrounding communities. Not to mention, the closure puts correction officers’ safety at serious risk. As more prisons close and inmates are transferred, the remaining facilities become overcrowded, often with high-security inmates, putting the officers who work there in dangerous conditions.  I am extremely disappointed in this decision and I encourage DOCCS officials to reevaluate this decision and work with employees to ensure the impact to them is minimal.”

“I am very disappointed with the Governor’s announcement today to close the Clinton Annex,” said Senator-Elect Dan Stec. (R,C,I-Queensbury) “This is a big blow to the North Country.  The Governor is doing this under the authority given to him as part of the 2020 NYS budget.  I was adamantly opposed to this 90 day notice allowing the Governor to close a correctional facility and it’s one of the reasons I voted against the budget. The Clinton Annex is an integral part of our law enforcement system and given the challenges of COVID coupled with the rise in crime rates, closing this facility will only add to these challenges.  I toured this facility back in the fall and witnessed first hand what our brave men and women are exposed to everyday working in a correctional facility and this closure will be devastating to many of our North Country families.”

“There’s really no hope of replacing the local jobs that will be lost as a result of the Clinton Annex being shut down,” said Senator Betty Little.  “We’ve seen that with Camp Gabriels, Chateaugay and Lyon Mountain.  It’s a bad time of year for news like this.  My argument has always been we need to reduce overcrowding and that need has only become more apparent with COVID-19. Closing facilities runs counter to safety.”

“The decision to close Clinton Annex is a slap in the face to the North Country,” said Town of Dannemora Supervisor Bill Chase. “This is the 2nd closure within the confines of the Town of Dannemora; Lyon Mountain Correctional Facility in 2011 and now this one. Our region has been saddled with too many closures and this will have a devastating impact on our area. I call on DOCCS to reverse this decision.

The Closure of Clinton Annex will leave behind a structure spanning over 100,000 square feet. Senator Little, Senator-Elect Stec, Assemblyman Jones and Supervisor Chase are calling on DOCCS to reverse this decision and to protect the employment of these employees.