Vaccination News from Franklin County Public Health

Notice to Public
January 5th, 2021
Frequently Asked Questions regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution answered by the
Franklin County Health Department
What vaccines have been approved?
Currently, two COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by the FDA and New York State’s independent Clinical Advisory Task Force: one that was developed by Pfizer and BioNTech and another that was developed by Moderna. As of December 22, 2020, New York State has received 630,000 vaccine doses.
Who has been vaccinated so far in Franklin County?
The first allotment of COVID-19 vaccine that arrived in Franklin County in December was limited. To date, high-risk hospital workers, nursing home staff and residents, staff and residents at OPWDD, OMH and OASAS facilities, and first responders have received their first dose of vaccine through the hospitals in Franklin County.
Who can be vaccinated now?
New York State’s vaccination plan includes a phased roll-out of vaccine. Phase 1 has been divided into two tiers, 1A and 1B. New York State is still in Phase 1A of distribution.
Phase 1A has been expanded to include:
• High-risk hospital workers (emergency room workers, ICU staff and Pulmonary Department staff)
• Residents and staff at nursing homes and other congregate care facilities
• Federally Qualified Health Center employees
• EMS workers
• Coroners, medical examiners and certain funeral workers
• Staff and residents at OPWDD, OMH and OASAS facilities
• Urgent Care providers
• Individuals administering COVID-19 vaccines, including local health department staff
• All Outpatient/Ambulatory front-line, high-risk health care workers of any age who provide direct in-person patient care
• All staff who are in direct contact with patients (i.e., intake staff)
• Home care workers and aides, hospice workers, personal care aides, and consumer-directed personal care workers
• All front-line, high-risk public health workers who have direct contact with patients, including those conducting COVID-19 tests, handling COVID-19 specimens and COVID-19 vaccinations
• This includes, but is not limited to,
• Doctors who work in private medical practices and their staff
• Doctors who work in hospital-affiliated medical practices and their staff
• Doctors who work in public health clinics and their staff
• Registered Nurses
• Specialty medical practices of all types
• Dentists and Orthodontists and their staff
• Psychiatrists and Psychologists and their staff
• Physical Therapists and their staff
• Optometrists and their staff
• Pharmacists and Pharmacy Aides
How much vaccine do we have now?
Even though Phase 1A has been expanded to include more people, current vaccine availability is dependent on shipments from New York State. Local Hospitals as well as public health are waiting on shipments; current availability is by direct invitation from NYS DOH to entities deemed eligible by the state, and from facilities to whom the state has shipped vaccine, as vaccine becomes available.
When will more vaccine arrive?
We currently do not know when more vaccine will arrive in Franklin County. New York depends on the federal government to deliver vaccine to the state. New York State government ships vaccine to facilities when the state deems those facilities to be eligible.
How do I sign up for vaccination?
Currently, entities who are eligible for vaccination are sent a link through email that allows them to schedule an appointment for vaccination. This link comes directly from New York State at this time, NOT Franklin County Public Health. That will change as more vaccine becomes available and more locations are able to offer it.
How much will it cost for me to be vaccinated?
The vaccines will be available at no cost. An administration fee may be billed to your insurance company.
How do I find out more about the COVID-19 vaccine distribution and safety?
Some helpful links are:
Phases of Distribution –…
FAQs regarding the COVID-19 vaccine –…
What should I do while waiting to get vaccinated?
While waiting to get vaccinated and until the population is fully vaccinated, it is strongly recommended that county residents continue to follow all of the safety measures that have been in place since March – wear face coverings, distance by 6 feet or more, wash hands often, and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. During the colder months, limiting indoor socializing with people from other households is very important. Gather outside, in groups of 10 or less, whenever possible or make use of virtual meeting platforms to visit with friends and non-household family members as safely as possible. If you must socialize indoors with people from other households, wearing a face covering and distancing by at least 6 feet is now strongly recommended.
Posted: January 6th, 2021 under County Government News, Heathcare News.