Franklin County Jan. 26 COVID-19 Report: New positives +20

Covid-19 Cases are increasing in Franklin County. In order to reduce the spread of infection:
Reduce Gathering Sizes.
Comply with the face-covering requirements of New York State.
Socially distance 6 feet and wear your face covering.
Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
Clean and disinfect surfaces.
Driver or rideshare – keep face covering on in car or bus.
COVID-19 Case Statistics As Of 01/26/2021 :
Daily Statistics:
New Positives: 20
New Probables: 0
Active Cases: 307
Positivity Rate (01/24): 7.05%*
7-day Average (01/24): 9.02%*
New Deaths: 0
New Recovered: 28
Individuals in Isolation/Quarantine: 828
Active Cases By Correctional Facility:†
Bare Hill Correctional: 31
Franklin Correctional: 122
Upstate Correctional: 2
Cumulative Totals:
Cases: 1556
Confirmed Positive: 1427
Probable: 129
Deaths: 8
Recovered: 1241
* Positivity and testing statistics generated from NYS Department of Health COVID-19 Tracker (
† As Of 1/04/2020, only active positive cases for correctional facilities reported directly to the Franklin County Department of Public Health are included in the active case counts and isolation numbers. Breakdowns of verified active cases for each correctional facility are provided for reference.
Daily statistics and Isolation map can be found at…/covid-19…/index.php
Posted: January 26th, 2021 under County Government News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.