Feb. 5 Positive Cases +44 and Plattsburgh Walgreens Accepting Vaccine Appointments for 65 and Older

Since our 2/4 update, 44 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported.
CCHD has been made aware that the Plattsburgh Walgreens is accepting appointments for COVID-19 vaccine for residents 65 and older. To make an appointment visit www.walgreens.com/covidvaccine. Any questions should be directed to Walgreens.
Note: Our next case update will be provided on Monday, February 8.
Here are links to some frequently requested data:
– Percentage positive results: https://forward.ny.gov/percentage-positive-results-county…. According to NYSDOH 467 people tested in Clinton County on 2/3. As of 2/3, 7-day average % positive in Clinton County = 5.5%.
– Vaccination information: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ or http://www.clintonhealth.org/covid19vaccine/
– NYS School Report Card (providing school and college data): https://schoolcovidreportcard.health.ny.gov
– NYS DOCCS data: https://doccs.ny.gov/doccs-covid-19-report
– Hospitalization data: https://forward.ny.gov/daily-hospitalization-summary-region. As of 2/3, 91 individuals hospitalized (9 ICU) in the North Country Region.
– Additional information: www.clintonhealth.org/covid19
Posted: February 5th, 2021 under County Government News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.