Attention Residents of Peru – Here’s What You Can Expect

Peru Gazette File Photo

Some of the men who will be working to improve our system. Meeting March 25, 2021
Heavier construction starting with Sunrise Drive and North bend Street will begin April 12th. This project includes work on Elm Street, Maiden Lane, and Route 22 from the bridge to Maiden Lane, North Bend St. and Sunrise drive. In conjunction with these streets, two new pump stations will be constructed; one behind the Peru Community Church Center and one at the intersection of Maiden Lane and Button Brook Parkway. Although our contractor, Rifenburg Contracting, intends to limit disruptions as much as possible and do their best to accommodate everyone, construction will impact residents and businesses with disruption and traffic delays at times. Sections of roads will be reduced to one lane and completely closed to through traffic to help expedite work. We will try our best to keep updated information posted on the following sites. Residents are encouraged to monitor these sites for future updates.
If you signed a temporary easement last year and have not signed a new one this year, please contact Pamela Barber at the Town Hall to complete this.
Thank you all for your understanding during this construction period as the Town upgrades its sewer infrastructure!
Facebook- Town of Peru Water And Sewer page
Contractor Work Hours
Mon. – Thurs. – 7 am-5 pm
Friday – 7 am-3:30 pm
Posted: April 3rd, 2021 under Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History, Water & Sewer Dept. News.