Clinton County April 29th COVID Report: Positives +6, Deaths +0

Since our 4/28 update, 6 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported.
CCHD has COVID-19 Vaccination appointments available!
Friday, April 30 at Clinton Community College in Plattsburgh
Wednesday, May 5 at Holy Angels Church in Altona
Thursday, May 6 at Clinton Community College in Plattsburgh
Wednesday, May 12 at Northern Cakes in Plattsburgh
Friday, May 14 at Clinton Community College
Saturday, May 22 at the Ted K Center in Plattsburgh
To register for any of these clinics, visit or call 518-565-4848.
Here are links to some frequently requested data:
– Percentage positive results:…. According to NYSDOH 386 people tested in Clinton County on 4/27. As of 4/27, 7-day average % positive in Clinton County = 1.5%.
– Vaccination information: or
– NYS School Report Card (providing school and college data):
– NYS DOCCS data:
– Hospitalization data:… As of 4/27, 23 individuals hospitalized (3 ICU) in the North Country Region.
– Additional information:
Posted: April 29th, 2021 under County Government News, Heathcare News.