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 UVHN CVPH OB/GYN Becomes ‘Breastfeeding Friendly’ 

Plattsburgh, NY July 23, 2021 The University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) OB/GYN was officially designated as a New York State Breastfeeding Friendly Practice on May 25th, 2021, making them the seventh designated health care practice in Clinton County. CVPH OB/GYN was supported in this effort by the Creating Breastfeeding Friendly Communities grant at the Clinton County Health Department. 

According to provider champion, Dr. Kayla Rumack, “I am happy to work in an office environment that is supportive of parents and babies in their breastfeeding journeys.” She adds, “Every breastfeeding journey looks different and CVPH OB/GYN is happy and enthusiastic to help families optimize their experiences by planning prenatally and being supportive post-partum.” 

As part of the process, the practice has implemented policies and procedures such as; ongoing staff training, maintaining a breastfeeding friendly office environment and facilitating internal and external referral opportunities for mothers and infants. The practice also promotes a culture within the office that supports breastfeeding as the natural way to feed one’s baby. 

The Ten Steps to a Breastfeeding Friendly Practice include: 

1. Develop and maintain a breastfeeding friendly office policy. 

2. Train all staff to be breastfeeding friendly by promoting, supporting and protecting breastfeeding. 

3. Eliminate infant formula and formula company materials from your office. 

4. Create a breastfeeding friendly office environment. 

5. Discuss breastfeeding benefits, especially exclusive breastfeeding, and the basics of breastfeeding management with women and their families during the prenatal period. 

6. Discuss breastfeeding benefits, especially exclusive breastfeeding, and the basic of breastfeeding management with women and their families during the postpartum period. 

7. Encourage breastfeeding mothers to feed newborns only breast milk. 

8. Teach mother about maintaining lactation when separated from their infants. 

9. Identify your local breastfeeding support network and foster collaborative working relationships and referral systems. 

10. Provide comprehensive breastfeeding support to new mothers. 

-more- “Working Together for a Healthier Community” – 2 – 

Because of the well-documented health benefits of breastfeeding for infants, children and mothers, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Department of Health and Human Services recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, with continued breastfeeding as long as mutually desired by mother and infant. 

For more information about receiving Breastfeeding Friendly Designation: