A loveable and loving teddy bear of a man

By John T. Ryan
As noted in the previous story, Peru’s farmers are dedicating their 2021 Tractor Parade to Orville Keyes, who passed away on Saturday, November 27th. Keyes was a Town of Peru Highway Department employee for 22 plus years. Prior to that, he worked for Everett Orchards.
Parade organizer Melvin Irwin recalled, “Orville and I became friends while he was working for Everett Orchards. As a kid, he handled hay for Edgar Guay and Orville Bonville. There are many stories there! He was a big lovable teddy bear with ties to every farm in Peru!”
Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald smiles when he thinks about Orville Keyes. McDonald commented, “He was just fun to be around. He always made the job fun and put a smile on your face. Just a really good guy.”
Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell stated, “Orville was about as entertaining of a guy you could ever meet. He always liked to play jokes and pick on the new guys. Yet, somehow when I called him to plow or sand any time, day or night, he was there minutes after hanging up. May he rest in peace, and may the Good Lord get his family through this difficult time.”
Fellow Highway Department employee Wayne Wells commented, “Orville was a big-hearted bear. He loved to joke around and tell hunting stories. He liked other towns just as much as he did our own town. He liked to talk to the other drivers about jokes or funny stories or even try the scare tactic. He jumped like he had 220 volts when someone snuck up on him. He would say, ‘Ya got one coming’ and laugh about it. He would get even too. It’s all in good spirits. I think of Orville as a big teddy bear. So sad. He will be missed for sure.”
Orville’s daughter Katie Babbie described why people liked and respected her father so much. “What was there not to love about Dad. He was kind, caring, thoughtful, always had a smile, had a great sense of humor, and loved to make people laugh. He was a joker who enjoyed picking on those he cared about and loved. He was a man full of knowledge and wisdom. He was a friend who would be there for you no matter what he was doing.”
The Tractor Parade will be held on December 11th at 7 p.m.
Posted: December 1st, 2021 under General News.