COVID-19 strikes a great number of Peru’s town employees

By John T. Ryan
Peru – COVID-19 hit the Peru town government hard over several days. Nine town employees, including one town council member, tested COVID positive; nevertheless, Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald says the town has been able to provide essential services.
Most Peru residents heard or saw town snowplows operating during this past weekend. Even though five of the highway department’s eight employees couldn’t report for duty, the remaining staff got the plowing and sanding job done with help from one man from the Water and Sewer Department.
Brandy McDonald expects several highway department employees to return to work this week. Town of Plattsburgh Supervisor Michael Cashman and Town of Ausable Supervisor Sandy Senecal offered Peru assistance wherever needed.
The town is requiring employees and visitors to wear masks inside all town buildings. The December 13th and December 27th town board meetings will be held online and the number of visitors admitted to the town hall at any one time is limited.
Posted: December 6th, 2021 under Heathcare News, Highway Dept. News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History, Town Board News.