March 2023

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Brandi Lloyd Announces Run for Clinton County Clerk

News Release

(Mooers, NY) – With a call for bold new leadership, Brandi Lloyd has announced that she is running for Clinton County Clerk. “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to run for this position, to serve the residents, taxpayers, and businesses of Clinton County as their Clerk.”

Lloyd stated, “Our County needs a Clerk who will focus full-time on improving the experience for residents in both the Clerk’s Office and at the DMV. I will reinstate having the DMV open late one night a week, increase the number of DMV employees closer to the levels that existed before the pandemic, and make residents time in the office more customer centered.”   “As for the Clerk’s Office, I will ensure that everyone who comes to the office during office hours is helped and I believe that it would be helpful to residents and businesses who need to file closing documents or get a business certificate to also be open late one night a week.” 

Ms. Lloyd has been a Deputy Commissioner for the Clinton County Board of Elections for the last 6 years and was elected Mooers Town Clerk/Tax Collector and served in that position for 3 years. She has degrees from Clinton Community College and SUNY Plattsburgh. She lives in Mooers with her husband of 26 years, Matt, and their son, Ben, a junior at St. Lawrence University.