Peru Knights seek to fullfill their guiding principle – Charity

Peru K of C Grand Knight Cormac O’Callaghan and JCEO Outreach Coordinator April Wright
May 25, 2023, Peru – Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus; therefore, thousands of local councils conduct many programs supporting that principle. For example, each year, St. Augustine’s Knight of Columbus Council 7273 directs part of its charitable efforts to the Peru JCEO Outreach Food Shelf by conducting a “40 Cans For Lent” program at St. Augustine’s Church and making a monetary donation.
As they have done yearly, St. Augustine’s parishioners responded to the Knights’ call for help. During Lent’s 40 days, they brought 1,220 pounds of food to the church, which the Knights took to the Town Hall Outreach Center each Monday. Then Council Grand Knight Cormac O’Callaghan delivered a $500 check to Outreach Coordinator April Wright. When April runs short of specific food items, she’ll have funds to purchase them locally.
The Peru Knights conduct raffles and dinners to raise money for their charitable donations. They’re grateful to the many St. Augustine’s parishioners, local and area residents who support their efforts.
Posted: May 25th, 2023 under Charity Events, Community Events, General News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.