North Country Honor Flights 46 and 47 Saturday, June 17

David Brown Photo
Flight 46 will be the first-of-its-kind all-female Honor Flight. Flight 47 will include three WWII veterans.
A Message from North Country Honor Flight Director Barrie Finnegan
North Country Honor Flight will take to the skies again this Saturday with flights 46 and 47. Flight 46 will be the first-of-its-kind all-female Honor Flight. Fifteen deserving female Veterans will get a special stop at the Women’s Military Memorial at Arlington Cemetery, amongst the other memorials.
Flight 47 will include three WWII veterans, which is incredible even by National Honor Flight standards. With the Greatest Generation shrinking rapidly, we are proud to Honor these and the rest of the Veterans from the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War and Desert Storm.
We thank the Northern Adirondack Code Enforcement Officers Association for raising the funds to sponsor these flights. For five years now, this organization has kept Honor Flight as the beneficiary of their fundraising efforts. These sponsorships are crucial since these flights are an all-expense paid day of a lifetime for our Veterans.
Our flight leaders, Jerika Manning and Danielle Coon, have done an outstanding job of preparing these flights for a wonderful day; thanks to their efforts, our Veterans are ensured a fantastic day.
“Thunder in the Burgh” is back again, also. The motorcade will leave Champlain Center shortly after 6 am for the trip down to the Veterans Park on the US Oval. The send-off ceremony will once again start at 7 am sharp. The return home is scheduled for 8:30 pm right back at the Oval.
All portions are free, open to the public, and extremely family-friendly.
Posted: June 12th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Veterans' News.