JCEO Coordinator in place, On-street parking interferes with snowplows; DOT denies traffic 22-22B intersection traffic light and much more
By John T Ryan
Breana Warren is in place as Peru’s new JCEO Outreach Coordinator. Located on the town hall’s lower level, her office operates Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell and Deputy Highway Superintendent Tyler Jarvis expressed frustration with the motorists who park cars on the street during snow storms. The problem is especially acute on narrow streets such as North Bend, Jenkins, and Elm. Farrell said if a plow can’t safely pass by a parked vehicle, his crews will not plow the street.
Farrell said he is proud of the job his staff did during last weekend’s snowstorm. Drivers worked 15.5 hours straight on Sunday, January 7. Parts delays have side-lined two of his seven plow trucks. The used plow truck the board approved purchasing isn’t ready for delivery. It, too, is awaiting parts.
NYS DOT denied the town’s request to install a traffic light at the Route 22-22b Intersection. During high-traffic periods, motorists find the intersection frustrating; however, a severe accident typically occurs before the state installs a traffic light.
C&S Engineering is applying for a Bridges NY grant to assist in paying to replace a deteriorating bridge on Telegraph Rd, about one-quarter mile south of the Sullivan Road intersection. Peru didn’t qualify for a grant last year. Replacing the bridge is estimated at $1.4 million.
You’ll see a bright green tractor blowing town sidewalks soon. The board approved purchasing a new John Deere 2025R 4-wheel drive utility tractor outfitted with a snow blower, blade, and mower under a state contract for $30,112. United Ag and Turf is the supplier.
The board informally agreed to give water-sewer department employees two hours of compensatory time for a week of off-hours on-call duty. On-call employees work from home, responding to customer phone calls and alarms from the water filtration plant and sewage pump stations. The on-call person can remedy many issues using the department’s iPad-based software. When they have to leave home to work on the issue, they receive overtime pay. Councilman Kregg Bruno said the board discussed the issue before the meeting and would take a second look at the policy next year. The policy will be on the board’s next February 12 meeting agenda for a formal vote.
After a brief executive session, town attorney Matt Favro discussed the ownership of the paintings the town installed in Heyworth Mason Park’s historic stone building. Favro noted that this was the first time he was aware of the issue. Favro believes the town owns the paintings but does not own the source images. The town initiated the project. Families and individuals paid a fee to artist Greg Badger to create the paintings. The town paid for the plywood board that Badger painted on. Councilman Melvin Irwin installed the artwork at no cost.
Posted: January 11th, 2024 under Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Town Board News.