3rd Annual Town of Peru Green Up Day on Saturday, April 20th from 8 am to 12 pm
The first 50 kids who join us will receive a coupon for one free ice cream cone from Stewart’s.
Spring has arrived signaling it’s time to start planning the 3rd Annual Town of Peru Green Up Day on Saturday, April 20th from 8 am to 12 pm. We invite you to join the Peru Lions Club and the Peru K-5 PTO along with our sponsors, Stewart’s Shops and Casella, to celebrate Earth Day by helping our planet and community as we pick up garbage and debris along the town roads.Meet us at the Peru Fire Dept. to get bags, gloves, pickers and safety vests so you can participate in a safe way. The first 50 kids who join us will receive a coupon for one free ice cream cone from Stewart’s. Can’t join us on April 20th? Email us to find out how you can participate on your own schedule. For further information contact us at perunylionsclub@gmail.com or perupto@gmail.com.
Posted: April 17th, 2024 under Business News, Community Events, Peru News, Peru School News.