Rove Cafe changes business hours and adds dinner hours
May 7, 2024 – A message from Crystal and Toni
We’ve been contemplating adding dinners at Rove Cafè for quite some time. With recent events in our lives giving us a huge reminder to take care of our family and health as well as our business and livelihood, we are updating our hours. We will now be open for Breakfast & Lunch Wednesday through Sunday from 7 am-2 pm and for Dinner Fridays & Saturdays 5 pm-9 pm,’
I think this is a great compromise offering us time to decompress and be with our kids, and offers you, our neighbors, community, and friends a great blend of all the culinary treats Toni and I have to share.
We absolutely love the cafe, and love being a part of such an amazing community here in the Morth Country.
For all those asking, we are OK. Toni had some cardiac issues that landed him in the Emergency room for a few hours, and we left with them unresolved. With the medication given, that issue has since been resolved, and we will be following up to see what the cause of it was/is. We have some thoughts, as suggested by the doctors, and are adjusting our lives and hours with our health and well-being in mind. We seem to have forgotten through it all to take care of ourselves as well.
We are so, so excited for dinners at Rove!! 

Chrystal & Toni
Posted: May 7th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, Faces of Peru, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.