Water treatment plant $9.4 million upgrades on May 29 public hearing agenda

2015 Peru Gazette photo
By John T Ryan
The Town of Peru’s May 29 public hearing notice simply states that the hearing’s subject is a 202b matter. The 202b matter concerns upgrades to the water treatment plant on Reservoir Rd. This project is in addition to the $11 million to $25 million upgrades planned for the wastewater treatment plant.
The water treatment upgrades include expansion, new filtration equipment, a second water storage tank, and a supplemental well. In 2015, the town conducted a $3 million plant upgrade. Click here for the Peru Gazette’s 2016 story. Residents can ask questions at the May 29, 5:45 p.m. public hearing.
Posted: May 24th, 2024 under General News, Peru News, Town Board News, Water & Sewer Dept. News.