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Recycle Right NY—Pizza Boxes

Hey New Yorkers! We all know our pizza is the best, so let’s do it justice and make sure we recycle our pizza boxes right. Whether you prefer a thick and doughy Sicilian crust or a thin and crispy Neapolitan, there is one thing we need to come to agreement on—recycle that pizza box when you’re done!

Every year in the U.S. about 3 billion pizzas are enjoyed. That’s a lot of sauce, cheese, dough, and… cardboard! According to the American Forest & Paper Association, pizza boxes are made of high-quality corrugated paper, which can be recycled at least seven times (AF&PA). 

We know there is confusion among New Yorkers about whether a greasy pizza box is recyclable or not. The majority of recycling programs in New York State accept whole empty pizza boxes, even if there is a bit of grease residue. Before putting a pizza box in the recycling bin, remove any wax paper and the little plastic “table,” scrape the box of any remaining crust or cheese, and recycle that valuable cardboard! If you are ever unsure if the amount of leftover cheese and grease stuck on the pizza box makes it recyclable or not, the next best thing you can do is split the box in two, and only recycle the top half of the box. Check your local recycling program guidelines.

Remember this: Pizza boxes can be recycled, pizza can not.