June 2024

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Elmore SPCA Forced to Cancel Municipal Dog Control Contracts

Peru Gazette March 2024 file photo

Peru Gazette March 2024 file photo

Peru Gazette March 2024 file photo

Seven of ten municipalities received a 90-day cancellation notice

Sheltering legislation due to go into effect in December 2025 has forced Elmore SPCA to make some difficult decisions regarding services provided to Clinton County municipalities.  In a recent New York State Animal Protection Federation (NYSAPF) consultant review of the Elmore facility and its operations, it was made clear that immediate action was necessary to show a good faith attempt to move towards compliance with the new regulations.

  • Reduce its animal population
  • Eliminate use of some areas of the shelter
  • Reduce dog control services for future population control

The Elmore facility is of our greatest concern. The new law specifically addresses shelter space and the shelter facility environment for both dogs and cats.  Left unaddressed Elmore SPCA closure by NYS Agriculture & Markets is certain.

With less than an 18-month deadline, some at NYSAPF and NYS Agriculture & Markets are indicating shelters working towards compliance will not likely be immediately shut down, but no one knows what facility or time allowances will be given.

Elmore has concerns that some NYS shelters will resort to euthanasia to be operationally compliant with the new legislation, as the short-term holding of animals has more facility leniency.  Elmore is steadfast in our commitment against euthanasia as a solution.

Our board and shelter employees are prioritizing and moving to take appropriate action to get our current facility to operate within guidelines, even though it means that we will have to greatly reduce the number of animals we will be able to help.  Areas of concentration will begin with modification to existing kennel space, HVAC system, emergency power availability and noise controls.

All municipalities will continue to provide dog control services, unfortunately Elmore SPCA is no longer able to continue to be the shelter service provider at these locations.

  •             Town of AuSable
  •             Town of Beekmantown
  •             Town of Champlain/Rouses Point
  •             Town of Chazy
  •             Town of Dannemora
  •             City of Plattsburgh
  •             Town of Plattsburgh

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