June 2024

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Honor Flights 53 and 54 Fly this Saturday, June 22.

This Saturday, the North Country Honor Flight will again take to the skies with flights 53 and 54. Three Cold War veterans, one from Desert Storm, and 26 Vietnam Veterans will be on board.
“Thunder in the Burgh” will leave Champlain Center to arrive at Veterans Park on the US Oval at about 6:20 a.m. Thanks to Lloyd Provost for all the hard work in putting this together.
The send-off ceremony starts at 7 am sharp, followed by the motorcade to the Airport. As the Ceremony ends, the Beekmantown seventh graders have organized the “Honor Run,” which will coincide with the motorcade to the airport. The runners will be returning as the Honor Flight busses pass them on New York Avenue, creating a moment that lasts forever for these runners. North Country Honor Run on Facebook has all the details.
Flight leaders are responsible for all the groundwork for these flights. Gina Bond and Fred Woodward have done an outstanding job preparing these Veterans for their special day. These two flights are sponsored by Harmony Golf Club. Last year, Harmony’s golf tournament raised over $25,000. North Country Honor Flight would like to thank Harmony and Bruce McCormick for their much-appreciated hard work and effort in putting that all together. We’d also like to thank Stevie Fuller and Kim Marsha, owners of Harmony and Jason Fuller, for the support from Fullers Excavating and Mike Murray from Murray Electric for being major tournament sponsors.

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