June 2024

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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This Keeseville resource is a must-see

By John T Ryan

June 18, 2024, Keeseville—Keeseville was originally called Anderson Falls, and it was named after the falls near the beautiful Main Street arch bridge that passes over the Ausable River. That river and the falls played an important role in Keeseville’s history. Fortunately, the Anderson Falls Heritage House Museum at 98 Clinton Street allows visitors to learn about that history.

The museum is a treasure trove of well-organized, beautifully displayed artifacts, paintings, written compilations, and photographs, all from when Keeseville was a bustling manufacturing and tourist community. The stories and photos of Keeseville’s stunning churches are a particular draw. Moreover, a team of knowledgeable volunteers is always on hand to guide visitors through the exhibits and answer any questions. Last Sunday, Board President Garth Houle greeted visitors and made them welcome. Volunteer June Venette shared fascinating insight about the community, including details about currency issued by the Keeseville National Bank, wooden water pipes, Keeseville’s mineral waters, and the humble beginnings of the Pepsi Cola Bottling Company.

If you’re interested in local history, please visit the Anderson Falls Heritage House Museum. It’s open from May 30 to October 12, 2024, on Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and on Saturdays from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, or by appointment. Call 518-834-9219 for information.

Your Peru Gazette Editor rates this museum as a must-see. It’s wonderful! 

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