June 2024

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Speaker Heastie and Assemblymember Jones Visit Olympic Center in Lake Placid, Announcing $250,000 for Lake Placid Food Pantry and Thrift Shop

(from left to right) are: New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) President and CEO Ashley Walden, former State Senator and ORDA Board Member Betty Little, ORDA Board Member Cliff Donaldson, Assemblymember Billy Jones and Olympic Jumping Complex and Olympic Sports Complex at Mount Van Hoevenberg General Manager Rebecca Dayton.

Speaker Carl Heastie continued his annual statewide tour today, joining Assemblymember Billy Jones at the Olympic Center in Lake Placid to tour the USA Rink, Herb Brooks Arena, Mount Van Hoevenberg and the Olympic Museum. They also discussed regional plans and announced $250,000 to help the Lake Placid Food Pantry and Thrift Shop build a new facility.

“While we’re just weeks away from cheering on Team USA at the Summer Olympics, it’s important to remember the part New York played in Olympics’ history,” said Speaker Heastie. “Assemblymember Jones and the Lake Placid community have done an incredible job of honoring their historic past while building up the possibility of continuing that legacy in the near future.”

“I want to thank Speaker Heastie for joining me today to tour the Olympic Center and see the work we’ve done to transform the site and introduce the next generation to Lake Placid. Our efforts have led to expanded tourism and a significant economic boost through our hosting of championships, tournaments and the 2023 World University Games,” said Assemblymember Jones. “I’m also honored to announce the funds we’re providing to the Lake Placid Food Pantry so they can expand their critical support of our families in their time of need.”

Speaker Heastie and Assemblymember Jones visited the Olympic Center to tour the USA Rink, the Olympic Museum, and the Herb Brooks Arena, where the “Miracle on Ice” game was played during the 1980 Winter Olympics. They then met with community members and elected officials to discuss the impact the transformation of the facility had on the region and the potential return of the Winter Olympics.

After the tour, they announced $250,000 in capital funding to support the new facility of the Lake Placid Food Pantry and Thrift Shop. Run by the Lake Placid Ecumenical Council, the food pantry has been a lifeline to families, serving meals to 70 families weekly and providing warm clothes, boots and baby supplies in their thrift store. This funding will be used to construct a new facility for the pantry in the Lake Placid Central School District.

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