June 2024

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Vandals damage St. Patrick’s Oratory & Mother Cabrini Shrine

Patent Rd., Peru, NY June 30, 2024 –  The Peru Gazette usually posts beautiful views of the Champlain Valley from St. Partick’s Oratory & Mother Cabrini Shrine. Unfortunately, this post is quite different.  This weekend, St. Augustine’s Pastor Father Scott Seyoour informed parishioners that on Thursday, June 27, vandals damaged St. Patrick Oratory by spreading hot candle wax on walls, the carpet, and a picture. They broke small glass articles inside Mother Cabrini Shrine. They also poured a gasoline smelling substance inside the storage building and broke two windows. Sadly, sometime Thursday night, vandals returned to break a 3rd window.  New York State Police are investigating. St. Agustine’s Parish will press charges.

The Oratory is closed, though Fr. Seymour said he hopes to reopen it sometime this week.

Story Updated July 1 at 5:40 p.m. The vandals broke two storage building windows on Thursday, not three as originally stated. Inside the church, they threw wax on a picture, not a statue. They also destroyed glass articles in the Shrine.

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