July 2024

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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The North Country honors Greg Timmons

Peru, NY – Today, July 22, 2024, town employees, community members, friends, and firefighters from Clinton, Essex, and Franklin Counties lined Main Street as the Peru Fire Department escorted Greg Timmons’ remains to St. Augustine’s Church. 

Greg’s obituary summarized why so many people respected him: “Son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, firefighter, chief, superintendent, commissioner, instructor, leader, mentor, friend, no matter his role, Greg was an inspiration to everyone he met. He had a significant impact on the Peru community, Clinton County, and the world at large.”

Greg Timmons passed away on July 15, 2024, at age 68. His journey of community service began at age 18 when he went to work for the Town of Peru, eventually rising to the position of Water and Sewer Superintendent, succeeding his father, Bob Timmons. In 2015, Greg retired after more than 40 years of dedicated service to our community. He served as a volunteer firefighter for over 50 years, holding leadership positions, including Chief, Department Commissioner, Fire Investigator, Clinton County Deputy Fire Coordinator (Car 5), and New York State Fire Instructor. 

This morning, a Plattsburgh firefighter stated, “Greg had taught me every phase of firefighting. You name it, he taught it.”  A former Peru firefighter said, “Greg gave back to his community at every level – town, county, and state.”  Whenever there was a need, Greg Timmons did his best to respond. 

The Peru Gazette photographed Greg’s final journey to St. Augustine’s Church for his funeral Mass. Following Mass, he was buried in St. Augustine’s Cemetery. Click here to read Greg Timmons’ obituary.