Former Addison, NY Village Clerk-Treasurer to Be Sentenced to Prison and Will Forfeit State Pension After Million Dollar Public Corruption Conviction

NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli
First Public Pension Forfeiture Action in New York State
New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, Steuben County District Attorney Brooks Baker, and the New York State Police announced today that a former clerk-treasurer of the Village of Addison in Steuben County will be sentenced to serve three to nine years in state prison, pay full restitution of $1.1 million, and forfeit her public pension after being convicted of one felony count of corrupting the government.
Ursula Stone pleaded guilty on May 29, 2024, admitting that she abused her position to steal more than $1 million over her 19-year career. Stone’s state pension forfeiture as a result of her public corruption conviction will be the first pension forfeiture in New York state.
“Public service is a privilege and a duty. Those who abuse their positions and betray their communities undermine the integrity of government and risk losing their right to a public pension,” DiNapoli said. “For nearly two decades, Ursula Stone took advantage of her position and the trust of Addison residents to shamelessly steal over a million dollars. Thanks to the work of my office, District Attorney Baker, and the State Police, her crimes were uncovered, and she has been brought to justice. This case should convey that those dishonoring their public office will face serious consequences.”
“The magnitude, scope, duration and pervasiveness of this criminal activity is absolutely stunning,” Baker said. “For nearly two decades, Ursula Stone abused the trust of the people of the Village of Addison, using her position to steal from their taxes, their schools and their community. The impact of her criminal acts on this community has been and will be felt for decades. But for the dedication and expertise of the New York State Comptroller’s Office it might still be going on unnoticed. This sentence sends a clear message to this defendant about the damage she caused and to anyone else who might consider such crimes about the high price that will be paid. I want to thank the New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and the members of his office for the incredible effort they put forth in identifying and prosecuting this crime. Their hard work and cooperation with the New York State Police and my office put us in a place to bring Ursula Stone to justice, and will bring this sad chapter for the village to a close.”
“The sentencing of Ms. Stone demonstrates the vital collaborative work of our law enforcement partners focused on the same goal; holding those who break our laws accountable,” New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James said. “The victims in this case are the people of New York who put their trust in this former Village of Addison employee. I commend our State Police members, our partners at the State Comptroller’s Office and Steuben County District Attorney’s Office for their commitment to investigating those who prey on the unsuspecting public for their own gain.”
Under a 2011 law and a 2018 New York state Constitutional Amendment, certain public officials convicted of crimes related to their office may be subject to pension forfeiture. The prosecuting attorney with jurisdiction over the crime must commence an action for pension forfeiture and show that the defendant knowingly and intentionally committed a crime related to public office. Stone has admitted to her crimes and agreed to pension forfeiture as part of her sentence.
Stone, who retired in March 2023, will forgo her monthly pension payment of $1,920.
DiNapoli’s office began an audit of the village in 2022 and found that the 56-year-old Stone had been running the village’s financial operations without oversight. She prepared payroll, maintained manual leave records, and processed health insurance buyouts and unused leave payments without review or approval from the mayor or any other village official.
Upon subsequent investigation, DiNapoli’s office also discovered that checks from the Addison Central School District, payable to the village, were not deposited into the village’s accounts. A joint investigation by DiNapoli’s office, the New York State Police, and the Steuben County District Attorney’s Office determined that Stone stole dozens of such checks payable to the village, which she converted to certified bank checks and cashed.
Additionally, investigators found Stone gave herself unauthorized pay raises, took time off without deducting it from her leave credits and wrote herself checks for unauthorized health insurance buyouts from village funds. Stone had also been cashing out unused vacation time since 2004, an option only available to employees who resigned or retired.
Before submitting her resignation letter, she wrote herself a final check for $26,613, which the board did not authorize. The board stopped payment on the check before she could cash it. In total, investigators say she stole $1,171,362.
Stone is scheduled to be sentenced on Aug. 7 by Judge Chauncey Watches of Steuben County Court and her pension forfeiture ordered by Judge Patrick F. McAllister in Steuben County Supreme Court.
Since taking office in 2007, DiNapoli has committed to fighting public corruption and encourages the public to help fight fraud and abuse. New Yorkers can report allegations of fraud involving taxpayer money by calling the toll-free Fraud Hotline at 1-888-672-4555, by filing a complaint online at, or by mailing a complaint to: Office of the State Comptroller, Division of Investigations, 8th Floor, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12236.
Posted: August 1st, 2024 under County Government News, Law Enforcement News, State Government News, Upstate New York.