Town Board pauses to honor Greg Timmons
Craig Randall is officially the Peru Town Supervisor
Paying for Peru’s immense infrastructure needs is a challenge
Peru, NY, August 13, 2024—Last evening, the town board conducted a moment of silence for Greg Timmons, Peru’s longtime Water-Sewer Superintendent. Deputy Supervisor Jim Douglass, who chaired last evening’s meeting, said the massive turnout at Greg’s funeral showed how much the community respected him. Timmons passed away on July 15 at age 68.
On July 29, the board conducted a similar moment of silence to honor longtime town justice and county legislator Peter Keenan, who passed away on July 24, 2024, at age 94. Keenan periodically attended town board meetings, keeping members updated on Clinton County issues.
The board officially named Craig Randall as Interim town supervisor effective today, August 13, 2024, through December 31, 2025. His term of office coincides with the remaining term of former supervisor Brandy McDonald, who resigned effective August 11 after having moved to Plattsburgh. Randall said as a member of the audience, “This is a real privilege. I wasn’t expecting to join this board as a supervisor. I’m honored to replace Brandy, who spent several years serving the community. I think your send-off at the last meeting was appropriate. I wish him well in his future endeavors.”
Randall recalled his experience as a twelve-year Lake Placid mayor and 44 years in the banking industry. He also mentioned Peru’s significant infrastructure projects ahead, stating, “I wish when the State of New York issues mandates, they’d be a little more thoughtful of how little communities have to react to address these things. We, as a government body, have to resolve these issues. We still have to account to our constituents, taxpayers, and residents.” Randall referred to the board as “good, solid, and conservative” and said he plans to spend several hours daily in the town hall. Click here to view Craig Randall’s remarks.
Highway Department Superintendent Michael Farrell continued reporting bad infrastructure news. A Lyons Road culvert for Silver Stream water is beginning to collapse. As usual, a rusted metal culvert is the reason. Farrell said he anticipates purchasing another concrete box culvert and going through the DEC and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permitting process. Jim Douglass recommended that Craig Randall schedule a special board meeting to consider how the town will pay for its many infrastructure repairs.
On the good news front, Farrell said the Cook Road culvert project is complete. He said Ed Garrow and Sons did an excellent job as a contractor. Garrow bid $142,936 for the work. The town purchased the box culvert for $129,000. Emergency repairs last February cost $14,000. Engineering and other expenses cost $47,319. The approximate total cost is $333,255.
The board appointed Lucas Tooker to a seven-year term as an alternate Zoning Board member. Code Enforcement Bob Guynup said he anticipates Mr. Tooker participating in almost every meeting because one member or another is typically absent. Mr. Tooker responded to the Peru Gazette’s appeal for board volunteers.
Councilman Eric Duquette and the board thanked Courtney Tetrault, Mike Farrell, and all the staff for dredging the town’s water reservoir. Dredging the reservoir has been planned for several months. Tetreault drained it, and then, following heavy rainfall on July 30, the reservoir filled and overflowed. The Water-Sewer-Parks Department drained the reservoir and worked with the Highway Department to haul away about 150 truckloads of sediment and organic material built up since 2012/13. They trucked the material a short distance to the town’s old dump on the Barney Downs Road. Dredging removes sediment and organic material. It’s done to improve capacity and water quality.
Youth Director Kristen Marino reported that baseball and softball concluded. Three hundred children signed up for soccer. There will be eight pee wee and ten mite teams.
Now that JCEO Outreach has moved to the St Augustine’s Parish Center, Historian Helen Nerska requested that the town hall downstairs area be cleaned and painted in several areas. She would like to use it as a display and meeting area.
Last Sunday’s rain forced Pam Barber to move the Heyworth Mason Park concert to the Peru Community Church Fellowship Center. She thanked the Church for its hospitality. The last two summer concerts are on August 18 and August 25.
Note: The Gazette clarified the paragraph describing the reservoir dredging at 12:44 PM on August 14, 2024.
Approved Minutes added 1/19/25 – Minutes 2024-08-12-RM
Posted: August 13th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, General News, Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News, Town Board News, Water & Sewer Dept. News.