August 2024

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Area runners, friends, families, community unite to support local charity

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Peru, NY August 24, 2024 – There was a big turnout at today’s Run For Jon. The race course winds through 2.5 miles of Forrence Orchards on the Mannix road. The walk portion of the event is approximately 1 mile, and there is a short fun run for the kids.
In 1990, 13-year-old Jon Evans was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Soon after his diagnosis, two long-time friends of the Evans family, Mark Elmore, and Scott Woodward, organized the first Run for Jon to raise money to help pay for expenses. Just two weeks before the 2nd Run, Jon passed away. Every year since then, family and friends have held the Run for Jon to raise money for the families of local children with serious medical problems.
Go to the Run for Jon Facebook page for race results and more photos.

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