Budget Workshops scheduled and more culvert replacements needed
Peru – This is the time of year when local governments begin formulating 2025 budgets. At its regular Monday, August 26 meeting, the Peru Town Board scheduled several budget workshops. The workshops are open to the public and are a good opportunity for residents who have questions about town spending to hear department heads and the board discuss priorities and needs. As they do each year, the board scheduled a September 9, 5:45 PM public hearing on a local law authorizing the board to propose a budget exceeding the state-imposed tax cap. The board passes similar resolutions each year. At this point, the board isn’t planning to exceed the cap in 2025; however, repairing Peru’s crumbling culverts and inflation pressures might make it necessary, either this year, or in the future.
Here is the Budget Workshop Schedule:
Thursday, September 12, 5:30 PM – Highway Culvert Workshop for Bonding followed by a Water/Sewer Project Workshop.
Wednesday, September 18, 5:30 PM – Highway Budget Workshop
Wednesday, September 25, 5:30 PM – Water/Sewer?Valcour Workshop
Wednesday, October 2, 5:30 PM – Salaries/General Workshop
Thursday, October 3, 5:30 PM – Special Meeting to Present Tentative Budget
Wednesday, October 16, 5:30 PM – Budget review Workshop (Downstairs)
Wednesday, October 23, 5:30 PM – Budget Review Workshop (If Needed)
Wednesday, November 4, 5:30 PM Public Hearing on Preliminary Budget
Tuesday, November 14, 5:30 PM, Special Meeting to adopt Final Budget
At Monday’s meeting, Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell told the board that the town must replace two additional culverts. One culvert near 906 Fuller Road is now #2 on his priority list, replacing a Lyons Road culvert. Farrell’s list includes five culverts on Telegraph Road, Wescott Road, Fuller Road and Lyons Road. Farrell discussed the increases in construction and material costs. He expects replacing the Telegraph Road culvert will cost about $750,000 more than four years ago. Other costs have increased. A plow truck that cost $192,000 a few years ago costs $350,000 today.
Because the asphalt hasn’t been available, Farrell changed his road paving schedule. He commented, “We’re changing the paving schedule. We only have so much time and money.” On Tuesday, September 3 he plans to pave Cook Road followed by Rock Road. After replacing two undersized culverts, the second phase of the John Boswell Road paving is next.
The board also approved Farrell’s request to sell the highway department’s paver and large roller. The paver has been virtually unusable because of various electrical issues. In the future, contractors will bid to get paving work. Peru will purchase the asphalt and do the trucking.
In other meeting news:
Mike Farrell will hold a highwat department Open House on Saturday, October 5. He wants to display and explain his road salt reduction program.
Pam Barber reported that the Heyworth Mason Park concerts went well, except for people who insisted on drinking and or smoking despite signs forbidding both practices. The board discussed asking the Sheriff’s Department to make periodic stops at the park. They don’t believe it’s Barber’s job to enforce town laws.
Recreation Director Kristen Marino recommended Alexis Grennan, Assistant Recreation Director, for the Soccer Program. Because of people’s busy family schedules, Marino said hiring assistants for specific sports is the best course of action.
Responding to residents’ requests, the board requested that the state approve reducing the speed limit on Rockwell Road between Fox Farm Road and the Military Turnpike. The limit is currently 55 MPH.
Approved meeting minutes added 1/19/25 Minutes 2024-09-09-RM
Posted: August 30th, 2024 under General News, Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Town Board News.