October 2024

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Clinton Community College’s ASAP Program Hosts Career Pathways Event

Plattsburgh, N.Y. – Clinton Community College’s Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP) program recently hosted a special lunch event highlighting how an associate degree can be a significant first step toward various careers. Faculty and staff shared their personal stories of starting in community college and building successful careers in business and sports management, nursing, higher education, communications, marketing, and more.
ASAP is a grant-funded program funded by SUNY that helps students finish their degrees and prepare for the next step, whether that’s transferring to a four-year college or jumping right into a career. This program helps students overcome financial challenges. It provides clear academic pathways, promotes progress, and fosters a strong sense of community through support systems and activities. The main goal is to help students graduate on time by keeping them on track and engaged.
Plattsburgh Town Supervisor Michael Cashman and North Country Regional Representative for Governor Kathy Hochul, Alison Webbinaro were also there to support the program and learn more about how Clinton is helping students reach their goals.
This event highlighted just how much an associate degree from Clinton can open doors and set students up for success.

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