October 2024

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Going to Albany or the NYC Area? Sister Debbie Blow needs someone’s help.

We have someone who can meet someone from this end on Saturday afternoon. They would meet in Clifton Park for a handoff. Or someone can do the whole trip.
On behalf of the Mission, I am writing to ask if someone might be able to help with a transport from our facility in Peru, NY to Dobbs Ferry, NY.
The item is a motorized wheelchair needed by one of our Dominican Sisters who is originally from Plattsburgh and is in a nursing home in Dobbs Ferry.
As you know, we are fully engaged in donating supplies and equipment to anyone in need whenever we can. We have a donation of a motorized wheelchair which is a perfect fit for Sister.
We hope someone among all of you would be going or coming from that direction and be able to assist us with this needed delivery.
If you can, please let advise ASAP.
Thank you for considering.
Sr. Debbie
Sr. Debbie Blow, OP
Executive Director Emeritus and Cofounder
North Country Mission of Hope

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