November 2024

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October 28 Town Board Meeting Summary and Video

At the Monday, October 28 meeting, the Peru Town Board:

  • Approved selling a used paver and roller to the Town of Jay for $40,000. The paver is owned jointly with the Town of Ausable, which will receive $15,000 of the $40,000 total sale price.
  • Approved a one-year snow and ice removal contrast with the Clinton County, the price is a 2.5 percent increase over this year.  The board tabled a resolution to sign the contract at the last meeting.
  • Accepted Councilman Jim Douglass’ audit of Town Clerk Tax/Collector. Douglas complimented Dianne Miller, saying, “Her records are perfect. She does a great job.”
  • Approved hiring Alexis Grennon as Assistant Youth Director for fall sports.
  • Hired AES Northeast to conduct a request for quote (RFQ)  solicitation for the wastewater treatment plant project. At least one other company presented a proposal.
  • Supervisor Craig Randall said the NYS Department of Transportation (DOT) installed signs honoring NYS Trooper Christopher Garrow at the Carpenter’s Flat Bridge. Randall will work with DOT to schedule an appropriate ceremony.

Acting on Dianne Miller’s suggestion to hold an Election Day “Meet and Greet” for Supervisor Craig Randall, the board scheduled it for Tuesday, November 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Youth Director Kristen Marino reported that soccer is finishing up, and basketball is starting. She thanked Courtney Tetrault and the staff for excellently maintaining town parks and fields.

Helen Nerska said the October 19 Walking Tour of Peru was very successful. She’s planning a similar walk next year. Nerska also indicated that Peru would be very involved in America250, which will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Highway Superintendent Mike Farrell reported that someone placed a boat and logs on the McGarr Road snowplow turnaround area. He wants town attorney Matt Favro to get involved in this ongoing issue.

Deputy Highway Superintendent Tyler Jarvis reported that the John Boswell Road paving is complete. His staff continues to repair trucks in-house rather than pay for expensive dealer repairs. With the snow plowing season approaching, on November 15, Department personnel will begin 5-day, 8-hour work weeks instead of the 4-day, 10-hour work week summer schedule.

Water Superintendent Courtney Tetrault reported that his department will send about 500 letters to residents and businesses that have not responded to the lead survey. All water lines must be proven lead-free in town records or by examination.

At 6:58 p.m., the Supervisor asked to adjourn to an Executive Session for a personnel performance issue. He said the board would not be conducting further business.

Note – Highway Department work schedule corrected at 8 PM, 11/3/24. 

Approved meeting minutes added 1/19/25 – Approved Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28-RM