Reopening the closed portion of Telegraph Road may take longer than expected
By John T Ryan
Peru, NY, December 30, 2024 – At this morning’s Town Board meeting, a C&S Engineering Project Status Report of the Telegraph Road bridge project elicited an opinion no one wanted to hear. Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell told the board today, “The mussel study set the project back. With bid-letting scheduled for August, it’s my gut feeling the project won’t happen in 2025.” He added, ” I hope I’m wrong, but this is my gut feeling.” For several months, Farrell appeared confident that construction would occur in 2025. Farrell said this is the first project where a mussel study has come into play.
Supervisor Craig Randall asked if installing a temporary bridge would be feasible. Farrell said it wouldn’t be because a temporary structure must satisfy the same environmental requirements as a more permanent structure. Farrell had some positive news, saying he was thankful that the study had located only one mussel. If more mussels had been present, the town would have had to relocate them to another stream. August is also the end of the construction year so that bids might come in lower. This discussion is at the 18:25 to 22:00 minute mark of the video.
Other meeting Highlights included:
Scheduling the 2025 Organizational Meeting for January 13 at 5 p.m. and the Regular Meeting for January 13 at 6 p.m.
Reviewing the 2024 board meeting schedule. The schedule includes regular board meetings on January 13 and 27, February 10 and 24, March 10 and 24, April 14 and 28, May 15 and 29, June 9 and 23, July 14 and 28, August 11 and 25, September 8 and 27, October 9 and 27, November 10 and 24, December 6 and 30.
Scheduling a January 7, 4 p.m. work session with AES Engineering related to the wastewater treatment plant improvements.
Approving a $1,375,000 contract with Barton and Loguidice to design and engineer the mandated water filtration plant upgrade.
Reappointing James Falvo as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals
Appointing James Francesconi as Zoning Board Vice-Chairman
Accepting Shawn Lucas’ resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The board will send Mr Lucas a letter thanking him for his outstanding board service.
Appointing Lucas Tooker to the Zoning Board of Appeals
Appointing the Planning Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman is delayed pending a meeting quorum.
Approving budget line transfer related to the General, Highway, Peru Sewer, and Valcour Sewer accounts.
Note – The Peru Gazette did not video the board actions on items 4-9 of the meeting agenda because of tripod issues. The items are covered in this meeting story and will appear in the meeting minutes.
Editor’s Note – September meeting dates corrected 1/5/25 and 1/6/5
Meeting Minutes attached 1/19/25 Meeting Minutes
Posted: December 30th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, General News, Highway Dept. News, Peru News, Peru/Regional History, Town Board News, Water & Sewer Dept. News.