January 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Climate Smart Community Grants Awarded

DEC Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar has announced more than $16 million in Climate Smart Communities Grant awards to municipalities across the state. The grant awards represent the largest ever awarded since the program was created thanks to funding from the Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022. The funded projects will help New York advance the emission-reduction targets under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and support local projects to reduce pollution, decrease flood risk, improve infrastructure, and enhance climate resilience in communities.

Find the full list of the awards (PDF) on DEC’s website.

North Country

Town of Colton – $186,000

Colton will replace 1,715 feet of sidewalk along NY-56 with new, five-foot-wide ADA-compliant sidewalks. The existing sidewalk is in various states of disrepair and cannot be properly maintained due to its unlevel surface. Creating a safe pedestrian corridor along this route was identified as a need in a recent community-wide walkability survey.

Village of Potsdam – $104,000

Potsdam will complete three certification actions – comprehensive plan with sustainability elements, complete streets policy, and planning for bicycling and walking – to guide the community’s growth and development in the face of rapid changes due to ongoing economic and demographic shifts. The village is investing in resilience and sustainable development through application of smart growth principles.