January 2025

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Assemblyman Billy Jones Appointed as Chair of New York State Assembly Committee on Local Governments

Judge Derek Champagne swore in Assemblyman Billy Jones on January 2, 2024. Jones’s daughter, Ella, witnessed the ceremony. (Photo provided) 

The New York State Assembly announced today that Assemblyman D. Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) will be the new Chair of the Standing Committee on Local Governments. The Committee was formerly led by Assemblyman Fred Thiele (D-Sag Harbor) from 2019 until he retired last year after 30 years in the Assembly.

            “I am honored to be named Chair of the Local Governments Committee in the New York State Assembly,” said Jones. “My experience in local government on the village and county levels and being the Chair of the Franklin County Legislature before I took State office gives me a deep understanding of what local governments experience. I am keenly aware of the services local governments provide to our residents day in and day out and the challenges they encounter while ensuring the needs of their constituents are met. They are truly the cornerstone of our communities throughout New York State. I want to thank the Speaker for appointing me to this important committee, and I look forward to supporting local governments across New York State.”

            Jones also serves on the Assembly Committees on Agriculture, Small Business, Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development, and Veterans Affairs.