January 2025

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Peru mourns Geoff Spear’s passing

Peru Town Board January 27, 2025 Meeting Summary 

By John T Ryan

Youth Director Kristen Marino suggested a moment of silence, saying, “We have a heavy heart that one of our staunchest supporters, Geoff Spear, passed away yesterday.” Marino said Spear helped at Applefest, with the Youth Commission’s summer program, and at camp. She added, “His entire family pitches in as well.” (See the 36:18 minute mark in the accompanying video)

In her report, Marino said two to five basketball games are held at Peru Central on Saturdays beginning at 8 a.m. All is going well, and the custodial staff is very cooperative. Finney Sports is giving the town reasonable apparel prices and the Youth Commission website is up and running.

AES Northeast Engineer Nathan Bull reported that good local and out-of-town contractors are interested in the wastewater treatment plant upgrade project. Two permits are outstanding; however, Bull expects them to be received within a week. The bid opening is scheduled for February 25 at 10 a.m. Bull said he’ll meet with Town Supervisor Craig Randall to discuss project funding.

Supervisor Craig Randall stated that engineers report no schedule changes in the Telegraph Road bridge replacement project. The town plans to advertise for bids on August 15, 2025. Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell forwarded a 144-page Army Corp. – DEC document to our engineers for review.

The board approved its 2025 contracts with the Peru Free Library, Peru JCEO Outreach, and Essex County. The town budgets $80,000 annually for the library, pays JCEO $15,811 twice a year for its services, and plows Terry’s Mountain’s parking lot for $70 per visit.

Eagles Nest Veterinarian Services will continue providing dangerous dog services to the town at a $500 annual flat rate.

The board approved the Highway Department’s purchase of a 2025 Chevrolet pickup truck with a plow-equipped, state-contracted price of $70,632. Joe Basil Chevrolet of Buffalo was the low bidder. 

The board tabled a resolution to purchase a new pickup for the Water-Sewer-Parks Department pending the determination of the payment source.

A sewer department employee will attend a two-day training program for grinder truck repair in Clifton Park.

The board tabled a Verizon request to support an undefined issue pending more information.

The town received a $211,640.78 Clinton County sales tax revenue check. Supervisor Randall will ask the County if it will send more checks this year. The board budgeted $326,466 in 2025 sales tax revenue.

Courtney Tetreault reported that the Sullivan Park ice rink is in good shape, and people are using it. 

Supervisor Craig Randall thanked confidential secretary Pam Barber for working through the recent payroll system platform change. Although it came at the end of the year, when she was busy with many reports, Barber worked through the challenge successfully.

The board adjourned to the Executive Session at 6:45 p.m. to discuss personnel issues. 

25.01.27 Regular Meeting Minutes. Added 1/12/25