January 2025

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Remembering Former CCC President Jay Fennell

Jay Fennell

CCC News Release 1/30/25 – Plattsburgh, NY—With heavy hearts, Clinton Community College (CCC) shares the sad news of former President Jay Fennell’s passing on January 14, 2025. Jay served as the College’s President from 1986 to 1999, leaving a lasting impact on the campus and the community.

During his time at CCC, Jay built strong partnerships with local businesses, industries, and schools to ensure the College met the needs of the area. He also had a deep commitment to education programs for prison inmates, understanding the role education plays in reducing recidivism and improving the lives of incarcerated individuals. Each year, he attended and presided over graduation ceremonies inside the prison, showing his dedication to providing opportunities for all. Jay Fennell’s legacy as a dedicated educator and community leader will continue to inspire those who knew him and benefited from his contributions.