January 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Scammer takes over local historian’s Facebook page – BEWARE

At this time, please DO NOT enter Rod Bigelow’s Facebook page and BE AWARE of scammers.

Many people know Rod Bigelow as a Dannemora historian, co-author of the book Dannemora, and President of The Bigelow Society. Unfortunately, a scammer took over his Facebook page, removing important Dannerora history and personal information. The scammer is saying that Rod has a Bitcoin certificate to deal with bitcoins, and he is raving about how well a particular company is doing to lure Rod’s friends to buy from him. He also says that Rod is selling cats, anything, to get people’s money. All this is because the scammer took over Rod’s pages and wanted Rod to pay $800 to him to get his pages back. Rod refuses, so the scammer hopes to get Rod’s friends to pay instead. 

Facebook’s Directions to report a scammer