February 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Dan Stec reacts to Democrats delaying special election

The Albany Times-Union reports that New York’s Democrats are considering pushing back the date of a special election to fill Elise Stefanik’s congressional seat when she leaves to be ambassador to the United Nations.

State Senator Dan Stec, who declared his candidacy for the seat in Congress, issued this statement.

“Since Democrats assumed full control of state government in 2019, there have been eight special elections – five for Congress, two for state Assembly and one for state Senate. None of these elections featured Democrat leaders changing the law to prevent a timely election to fill a vacant seat. In fact, in 2021 the Legislature unanimously voted to ensure a special election occurs within 90 days of a vacancy. So what’s changed now?
“The answer is simple: New York Democrats want to obstruct government and subvert the will of the voters. A majority of Americans voted to re-elect President Trump and for a Republican Congressional Majority. Now, Democrats want to prevent President Trump and Congressional Republicans from doing the jobs they received a mandate to do: fix the economic and border crises created by Democrat leadership.
“By holding up a special election, they’re keeping the North Country from having Congressional representation at a critical moment. Our towns and villages won’t have an ally in their efforts to access essential federal grants and funding. Our border counties won’t have a voice to fight for common sense policies to stop the public safety crisis on the northern border.
“But that doesn’t matter to Democrat leaders like Governor Hochul and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. They’re so blinded with Trump Derangement Syndrome they’ll hold our region hostage in an effort to thwart his popularly elected agenda.
“Frankly, it’s embarrassing how low they’ll stoop. Maybe instead of changing a law that no one besides Democrat party bosses want changed in an effort to harm my constituents and play games to block President Trump’s agenda, they should do some self-examination.
“With cheap political stunts like and their own dismal agenda, it’s no surprise Democrats have a 31-percent national approval rating.”