February 2025

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HamilSun Solar: What we learned on Saturday

Additionally, any household that has qualified for Section 8, SNAP, SSI, Medicaid, or HEAP benefits automatically qualifies.

On Saturday, February 8, the Peru Free Library conducted the first of its 2025 Community Learning Series programs. Mark Hamilton described the HamilSun Solar Project and its many benefits, especially to low—and moderate-income households. Thank you to Marque Moffit, the library’s Community Learning Series Coordinator, for the following narrative.

Back in 2015, after having spent time evaluating existing power supplies and infrastructure, NY State officials passed legislation that allowed the development of community solar farms (CSFs) as part of their efforts to diversify NY’s power sources and build an energy system robust enough to handle the growing needs of citizens. CSFs start when landowners receive a letter from a developer interested in leasing land for a solar farm. Landowners who enter into these agreements turn over control of the leased land to the developer and the community solar project moves forward.

A few years ago, one such letter set the Hamilton family on a path to creating a different type of CSF. Rather than leasing their land to an outside developer, the Hamiltons spent several years crafting a plan that would allow them to keep control of their land and bring savings to their community. Ultimately partnering with RER Energy Group to design and build the solar array and with Neighborhood Sun to organize and maintain subscriber services, the Hamiltons now have a product they are excited to share with everyone in Peru: HamilSun Solar.
Located on their property on Mannix Road, the array consists of 5217 solar panels mounted on a single-axis tracking system that will enable the panels to follow the sun across the sky. By maximizing sun exposure in this way, the 2.6-megawatt facility is expected to generate roughly 4,131,000 kWh annually—enough to cover the electrical consumption of 400 – 500 homes yearly! Believe it or not, all of this is taking place on a 10-acre parcel of land that has always been too wet to use for planting.
Now that HamilSun is about ready to go live, the Hamiltons and their partners are excited to share another perk of their unique solar farm project. Unlike typical CSFs with subscribers from around NYSEG’s territory, HamilSun is first opening its registration to locals. This is great news for community members because it means we will get dibs on all subscribers’ guaranteed savings: a 20% discount on our NYSEG bill.
The Hamilton family has deep roots in Peru. While creating and building HamilSun Solar, they have worked hard to make a product that would benefit the local community. In addition to developing a program with built-in guaranteed savings, they are reserving the first 50% of membership slots for low- to moderate-income households. The full list of income ranges is attached to this email. Additionally, any household that has qualified for Section 8, SNAP, SSI, Medicaid, or HEAP benefits automatically qualifies. Slots are limited, so interested parties are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Every Clinton and Essex County NYSEG customer is eligible to apply.
Interested in learning more? You can see detailed articles on HamilSun’s Facebook page. Registration information is easy to find at www.neighborhoodsun.solar/HamilSun. Pro tip: have your NYSEG bill handy when signing up.
With thanks from Marque Moffett and on behalf of Peru Free Library, stay tuned for more details about our next event in March.
Peru Gazette added, “Every Clinton and Essex County NYSEG customer is eligible to apply.” at 7:25 p.m. on Feb. 10.