Stec: Order making Body Scanner use mandatory a needed first step, passing legislation must follow

“On January 30, I visited Upstate Correctional Facility after an unknown chemical exposure and met with the superintendent, officers and civilian staff. During this meeting, I learned that body scanner use is optional for inmates and their visitors and on February 4, I introduced Senate bill S.4422 to close this loophole and make body scanner use mandatory. After introducing this bill, I wrote to both Governor Hochul and Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, requesting this measure be included in the upcoming state budget.
“The main reason correction officers across the state are on strike is that they are forced to endure extraordinarily unsafe working conditions. Making body scanner use mandatory for inmates and visitors is a crucial step in the effort to make correctional facilities safer.
“The governor and DOCCS’ decision to make body scanners mandatory for visitors during the ongoing state of emergency is a welcome first step that myself, officers and other advocates for prison safety have called for. But a temporary change in policy and executive order is exactly that, temporary and must go further.
“Mandatory use of body scanners for visitors and inmates must become a permanent change in policy and that requires a legislative resolution. I urge the governor and Legislative leaders to either pass my legislation concerning body scanners or include analogous language in this year’s state budget. It’s clear that the governor and DOCCS know that this is the right thing to do and given the fraught situation, immediate action on my legislation is more necessary than ever.”
Posted: March 3rd, 2025 under General News.