World Water Day Celebration Returns to Champlain Centre Mall
The Lake Champlain Basin Program, Champlain Centre, the Champlain Basin Education Initiative and NEIWPCC invite the public to celebrate World Water Day on Saturday, March 22nd, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Champlain Centre in Plattsburgh, New York.
Mall guests can view a gallery of student art, media and writing that celebrates the waters of the Lake Champlain Basin.
More than 30 exhibitors, including river groups, soil and water conservation districts, and historical associations, will offer hands-on activities and displays to celebrate our regional water resources. The first 100 participants who visit with ten exhibitors and have their event passport signed will receive a free single-scoop ice cream card from Stewart’s Shops.
Guest speakers Blake Lavia and Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo of Talking Rivers will explore the power of visual art and environmental storytelling to connect us to our region’s waterways. Regal Cinemas will screen several locally produced films and video shorts.
Visitors of all ages will be able to learn about water quality and ecosystems concerns that affect water bodies in our region through a variety of activities and exhibits. Visitors can:
- Explore how rivers flow and streambanks erode during flood events through a hands-on model.
- Complete quests on a giant Lake Champlain watershed floor map.
- Practice casting for fish.
- Learn why the round goby poses a threat to the Lake Champlain ecosystem.
- Learn how to extend the life of septic systems through proper maintenance.
- Explore lake and soil friendly lawn care practices.
- Understand cyanobacteria blooms and safe swimming.
“We’re thrilled to celebrate World Water Day alongside a group of enthusiastic partners,” said Sue Hagar, Education and Outreach Steward for the Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program and NEIWPCC. “These organizations work hard to improve water resources and expand access to recreation, including boating, swimming and fishing. Together we encourage residents and visitors to get involved in personal stewardship actions to improve the watershed.”
World Water Day was initiated in 1993 to draw attention to the issues and threats surrounding the world’s water resources. More than a decade ago, the Champlain Basin Education Initiative hosted the first local World Water Day Celebration to share student work about water resources from more than a dozen classrooms. Champlain Centre has helped expand the event by providing a large display space, inviting more public participation and partners into the celebration.
“We’re looking forward to another fun and informative World Water Day event at Champlain Centre, with a variety of displays and engaging activities for visitors of all ages,” said General Manager Lisa Getty.
For further information about the event, contact Sue Hagar, Lake Champlain Basin Program at or call (802) 372-3214.
Posted: March 6th, 2025 under Adirondack Region News, Community Events, Education News, Environmental News, Lake Champlain News, Northern NY News, Youth News.