March 2025

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Stec, Gray announce joint resolution to rescend Governor’s CO employment ban

Senator Dan Stec (R, C-Queensbury) and Assemblyman Scott Gray (R, C-Watertown) today announced a joint legislative resolution to rescind an executive order banning fired correction officers from all government employment. Senate Resolution B515 would eliminate Executive Order 47.3 and restore rights taken away from 2,000 correction officers who went on strike to protest unsafe working conditions.
“The governor’s order barring 2,000 correction officers from any government employment is an absolute shameful display of pettiness and executive overreach. I’m proud to partner with Assemblyman Gray in sponsoring a resolution calling on the governor to rescind this unfair executive order. At a time when Democrat leaders look to expunge criminal records of convicted felons seeking employment, it’s unconscionable to punish dedicated officers who were concerned for their safety,” said Stec.
“Sponsoring a Concurrent Resolution to repeal Executive Order 47.3 is the right thing to do because no public servant should be denied future employment for exercising their right to protest unsafe working conditions. This order unjustly blacklists dedicated corrections officers, treating them worse than convicted criminals just for advocating workplace safety. We must uphold fairness and consistency in our policies—terminating this executive order is the right and necessary step forward as these individuals put their lives back together,” said Gray.

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