January 2012

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Board signs SPCA contract and delays sidewalk ice decision

The Peru Town Board took a few actions at its January 23, 2012 regular meeting.

Actions included:

Approval of the town’s annual contract with the Elmore SPCA.

Tabling a contract with the Peru Free Library pending receipt of a proposed contract.

Receiving prices to upgrade the town hall security system from a company named Security Concepts. A decision will be made at the next board meeting. $1,817 access control in Court Clerk and Town Clerk Offices; $5,839 DVD system with five cameras; $4,520 for access controls on basement entry door and first floor back entry door; $1,717 for access control to the supervisor’s office; security protection for the existing fire system including a panic button; $2,834 for a main entrance door; $2,852 for a handicapped door at the rear of the town hall.

Adopted a 2012 procurement policy for town purchases.

Discussed purchasing a defibrillator for the town youth program. The town must find a medical director to supervise the program.

Discussed establishing a policy for clearing sidewalk ice. Town Attorney Biggs will research the issue. Renting a salt machine would cost about $135 a month. Concern was expressed about someone falling on the ice, but spreading salt might also damage lawns and incur significant cost.

Supervisor Glushko wants to schedule informational meetings on the water system improvements. Water users will see their taxes increase over many years.

Tabled an energy purchase proposal from Ambit Energy.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m.