Town Board accepts Forrence resignation
By Donald McBrayer
The April 27, 2009 Town Board Meeting adjourned about 8:45 and covered several topics.
Mr. Biggs and Mr. Forrence were not present. About twenty people attended the meeting. Community input included a noise complaint where the board decided to have Town Attorney Donald Biggs look over the current noise ordinance so more “teeth” can be put toward better enforcement. Several comments also reflected a general concern about filling the seat being vacated by Cortland Forrence. Questions about the process resulted in a general consensus that the position would be advertised publicly, interested parties would submit letters of intent, interviews would be conducted, and a selection would be made by the remaining members. A final selection would require three votes.
- A resolution to pass a standardization of the Neptune water meters passed. Standardizing the meters will allow for faster meter readings and a reduction in man-hours for that process.
- A resolution to approve a bid for the Neptune water meters was tabled.
- A resolution to set a date for the Public Hearing to amend the Outdoor Wood Boiler Law was tabled.
- A resolution for the Water District Expansion – Authorizing the appropriation of $1,700.00 for Engineering Contract was passed.
- A resolution to approve the contract for the lowest bidder on the Peru Sludge Storage Facility to Leon L. Blair Construction for $79,954.00 was passed. Bids were also submitted by Steven Fuller Excavating for $101,963.00, and Luck Bros. Construction for $124,624.00.
- A resolution per request of the Clinton County Treasurer’s Office, requesting an addition of $1.00 penalty on tax bills, passed.
- A motion to accept the resignation of Cortland Forrence from his Town Council position effective April 30, 2009 passed. Mr. Covel read Mr. Forrence’s resignation into public record, and several members expressed well wishes for Mr. Forrence. The board also approved a motion to advertise the open seat, accepting letters of intent until May 8th, and set a time for interviews at the next scheduled town board meeting on May 11th.
- A resolution to approve $2000 for the purchase of material toward the Little AuSable Park retaining wall on sidewalk was passed.
- A resolution to test a bed of rock bank at the Little AuSable Park Pond for the purpose of pest control was passed. Mr. Powers indicated the south side would be the area tested. Prisoners would conduct the work and rocks would be supplied by the highway dept. Mr. Powers indicated no expense would be incurred for this test.
- An update from Town Historian Ron Allen was presented regarding the Champlain Quadricentennial 400. Mr. Allen revealed a NYS Certificate of Recognition, signed by Governor Patterson and his wife, discussed the two markers that would be erected for the event — these markers will be located at the Peru Landing Site, and Port Jackson — and revealed a couple commemorative pins, including one designed by his wife.
- In other business Mr. Powers reported that prison labor has produced 160 man-hours of service, cleaning 16 to 18 roadside miles so far this year. Mr. Powers also expressed a concern regarding possible liability exposure for the town with the shared use of local ballparks.
- Mr. Covel expressed an interest in removing a gate at Mud Pond Road for better public access to State owned lands.
One final public comment was a request that the resumes and interviews for the filling of Mr. Forrence’s seat be made public.
Posted: April 28th, 2009 under Town Board News.