September 2019

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Highlights of Peru Town Board’s September 9, 2019 Meeting

By John T. Ryan

Davey Drive Extension was accepted as a town road following approval by Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell.

The Board concluded that the new Patent Rd. culvert would not have a negative environmental impact.

A Memorandum of Understanding for a successor labor agreement with Highway Department employees was approved. This is the first step in dissolving CSEA’s representation of Highway Department employees. Supervisor Brandy McDonald said four of the Department’s seven employees do not want CSEA representation.

116 feet of Pleasant Street sidewalk was torn up in the process of repairing hydrants. Town employees will replace the sidewalk most of which needed repair prior to the fire hydrant replacement.

The three bids for installation of new Court House roofing were rejected. Two bids did not meet specifications and the third was much higher than anticipated. Bids will be advertised a second time.

A Parks Department Toro mower was declared surplus equipment. The Town hopes to sell it online.

Town Clerk Dianne Miller reminded residents that school taxes are collected at the high school, not at the Town Hall.

The Main Street grant is still stalled in New York State bureaucracy. The Board would like to use the $150,000 to pave the Heyworth-Mason Park road and for sidewalk repairs. NYS has been pondering the issue for months.

NYS will be paving Route 22B from Mason Street to the Route 22 bridge.

Michael Farrell recommended widening North Bend Street to include a bike path when a new sewer line is installed during the system upgrade project.

Additional Zoning and Planning Board members are needed. Nick Zagradzki’s term on the Planning Board is coming to an end.

Dog Control Officer Dave Drollette reported finding nine unlicensed dogs in the last 24 hours. Owners were given warnings.

A rabies clinic is scheduled at the Peru Fire Department on Tuesday, September 17th. It starts at 6 p.m.

Supervisor Brandy McDonald reported that a NYS $125,000 trail grant is available. An application is due in a few days. The Board briefly discussed extending the Walking Trail along the river to Laphams Mills Park.