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NBC5 May 20th COVID-19 Update

May 20, 2020
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Now that all states have begun lifting stay-at-home measures, health officials have warned that a second spike in cases could come in certain parts of the country. The responsibility now rests with individuals to adhere to social distancing guidelines and adapt to new habits to keep themselves and others safe. New research shows, however, that a cornerstone of guidance — staying 6 feet away from others in public — might not be enough to protect against the virus. A computer model shows particles ejected during coughs and sneezes could travel farther than 6 feet and as far as 18 feet.

Here’s what else you need to know about COVID-19 around the world:

• There have been more than 1.5 million coronavirus cases and more than 92,000 deaths.

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has posted 60 pages of detailed guidelines on how to reopen the United States from coronavirus pandemic stay-at-home orders on the agency’s website.

• Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the Senate will wait a couple weeks to decide on a “phase four” stimulus bill.

• The world cut its daily carbon dioxide emissions by 17% at the peak of the pandemic shutdown last month, a new study found.