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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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More than 180 nations worldwide have confirmed cases of the coronavirus. The following have the highest number as of 4 a.m. ET*:

  1. US 1,551,853 (+1.52%)
  2. Russia 308,705 (0.00%)**
  3. Brazil 291,579 (+7.24%)
  4. UK 249,619 (-0.21%)**
  5. Spain 232,555 (+0.22%)
  6. Italy 227,364 (+0.29%)
  7. France 181,700 (+0.42%)
  8. Germany 178,545 (+0.40%)
  9. Turkey 152,587 (+0.64%)
  10. Iran 126,949 (+1.88%)

Source: Johns Hopkins University

*Percentage change over 24 hours

**Numbers have been adjusted by the affected country.