July 2020

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Notice appearing on the Peru Central School District website
July 15, 2020
Last night, the Peru Central School Board of Education voted to retire the Indians name and mascot for the Peru Central School District. Superintendent Dr. Thomas Palmer has been directed to assemble a stakeholder task force to develop a new Peru sports nickname that will carry us forward into the future.
This task force will be comprised of community members, alumni/alumna, students, faculty, staff and school administrators. We will work together to develop a new name that will foster respect for all members of our school community, and one that will also respect the proud traditions and school spirit that Peru students, athletes and the entire community have displayed over the years. More details will follow in the near future.
This change has been discussed in recent years, and Peru has made incremental changes to our logo. As far back as 2001, NYS Education Commissioner Mills sent a letter to all NYS school districts stating, “I ask boards to end the use of Native American mascots as soon as practical.” Please join us in embracing this change with the Peru Pride we have demonstrated over the years. The District will move forward with the support and recommendation of the task force to the Board of Education with a name and mascot that supports the values Peru wants the District to represent.


Comment from Steve Wills
Time July 15, 2020 at 10:18 pm

You’ve got to be kidding me!! This is COMPLETELY ridiculous! This should be voted on by EVERYONE that pays school taxes in Peru. Not a bunch of candyasses on a “school board”. This should be a town wide vote!