Historical Monument Awaits Reinstallation at Peru Dock
Nov. 17, 2020 – News from the Clinton County Historical Association – As of 10:15 this morning, the Battle of Valcour-Benedict Arnold monument on Route 9 south of Plattsburgh, erected in 1928 by the Saranac Chapter of the DAR, is in the protective hands of Doug McCabe of the DEC and CCHA Past President Roger Harwood waiting for reinstallation at the Peru Dock as the centerpiece of the historic half ship’s wheel designed by the DEC. The monument’s entire bottom section was buried and was recovered in one piece. We anticipate that restoring and rebuilding the monument to its original stature will be easier as a result of the excellent and professional job done by the Adirondack Memorials and DOT staff. After the move, Roger shared a note on its history. Everyone involved was impressed by the monument and pleased to be involved in the move. We will document the restoration process and rededicate the monument when it finally stands in its new location.
The move was necessary as it was unsafe for the public to stop and observe the monument. At one point the top of the monument was knocked off its pedestal when hit by a truck. The resulting installation of a ‘guard rail’ for the protection of the monument reduced the space for parking for those who wanted to view the monument. Additionally, over the years, the bottom section of the monument was hidden behind the fill and stone deposited to maintain monument stability due to high water, winter ice damage and major storms.
For many years, the mission of the Saranac Chapter of the DAR has been to move the monument to a location that would be safe for both the viewers and the monument itself.
Posted: November 17th, 2020 under Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru/Regional History.