December 2020

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

Comment Policy

The Peru Gazette welcomes comments on posted stories. The author MUST include his/her first and last name. No  foul or libelous language permitted. The Peru Gazette reserves the right to not publish a comment.

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Local Dec. 9 COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +6, Recovered +16, Active 91, Tested +322

Since our 12/8 update, 6 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported and 16 individuals have moved to recovered.
The Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) encourages and welcomes comments on our social media pages. However, CCHD does not agree with or endorse every comment that individuals post on our pages. Our goal is to share accurate, science-based, and local information with as many individuals as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments made to our profile. A comment will be removed if it contains: hate speech; profanity, obscenity, or vulgarity; defamation to a person or people; name-calling and/or personal attacks; spam; misinformation; and other comments that the CCHD deems inappropriate. Repeated violations of the CCHD comment policy may cause the author to be blocked from the CCHD Facebook page.
While we do not currently have the ability to respond to each individual comment or question on our social media pages, we do periodically review comments to inform our future messaging and communications. Thank you for your continued support.
Here are links to some frequently requested data:
– NYS School Report Card (providing school and college data):
– Hospitalization data: As of 12/7, 42 individuals hospitalized (7 ICU) in the North Country Region.
– Percentage positive results:…. As of 12/7, 7-day average % positive in Clinton County = 3.6%