Biggs says those elected can assume vacant positions
By: Donald McBrayer
The regular Town Board Meeting was held on October 5th, 2009. Board Members Peter Glushko, Thomas Powers, and Brandy McDonald were present, as well as Deputy Supervisor Cortland Forrence (who chaired), and Town Attorney Donald Biggs.Several agenda items were discussed and voted on including:
- A public hearing is being set, and will be posted at the Town Hall concerning a $2 across the board increase to the minimum charge in Water/Sewer rates for the hamlet and Valcour. This new rate is expected to go into effect 1/1/2010.
- A motion for the approval for the switching to natural gas for the highway and water/sewer garages passed. NYSEG will be bringing service to both departments with no cost to the town. The internal cost to switch for water/sewer will be $7,000 est. and for highway $14,600 est. This proposed cost would be split across two budget cycles. It’s believed the switch will result in a 15% heating cost reduction.
Other Business included:
- A request by the Water Superintendent Greg Timmons to apply for a grant for “green projects” that would cover 85% of the cost of replacing the four aging aerated motors at the sewer processing plant with a new solar powered unit. The board agreed to look into it and will be contacting Grant Coordinator Adele Douglas for details.
- Town Attorney Donald Biggs informed the Board that he could find no precedence that would prevent elected candidates from being seated in the vacant positions following election results.
- Brandy McDonald referred to Town Board minutes from 11/13/06 and 11/27/06 noting the seating of candidates into vacant positions on dates later than present.
- Pete Glushko requested a motion on the next agenda to place four-way stop signs at the intersection of the Military Turnpike, and Brand Hollow Road.
In closing Public Comments:
- Donald McBrayer pointed out that if the grant Greg Timmons wants to apply for were granted, the actual cost of the project to the town would only be $6,300. McBrayer also thanked the board for returning to the Military Turnpike/Brand Hollow Road issue, which he inquired about at the 9/28/2009 meeting.
- Fred Hoffman asked if splitting the cost of the natural gas conversion for water/sewer and highway over two years might violate any regulations. Mr. Biggs indicated he would look into it.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.
Posted: October 7th, 2009 under Town Board News.